We should remove the free dollar's irresponsibility to increase the rate of Nima/ preferred currency without shock
The Ebrahim Raeesi government, which once removed the preferred currency from Rouhani's government and made it single-rate, after some time created a new preferred currency and left it to the government of Masoud Mezikian. Now, the medical government under the command of the Minister of Economy, with a gradual policy, is removing the preferential currency and making the country's currency system single-rate. An action that, in addition to eliminating rent and corruption, will strengthen exports and weaken imports.
EghtesadOnline: With the exchange rate approaching the free market and the government's desire to gradually single rate the currency, some market activists hope that with this action of the government, existing rent and corruption will be removed from the market. Especially since this action will be without temporary shocks. On the other hand, producers face more facilitation conditions for exporting goods. It seems that the administration of Masoud Al-Mazijian and his economic team will have only one and a half months to explain their currency policies and maintain the stability of the financial markets before the establishment of the Trump administration.
We must move towards a single currency system
In addition, Ali Maravi, an economist, said to Ekhtaz Online: Anytime we can move towards a single rate currency will be a good time. Of course, we should not plan for the coming of Trump for our currency policy, but our general policy should be to eliminate the multi-rate system in order to have an open currency system. One of the disadvantages of multi-rate currency is the creation of rents and lack of motivation for exporters. In order to avoid a shock in the market of basic goods and goods that are needed by the people, we cannot move towards the liberalization of the currency, but we must reduce this gap between the Nima and Azad currency as much as possible.He added: "In the sector of manufactured goods, we should remove this multi-rate exchange system and our exporters and importers should do their activities with the market exchange rate, but in basic goods, the government should manage it so that this gap gradually decreases." In addition, with the arrival of Trump, there will be additional pressure on Iran's economy, and the behavior of the Board of Governors and Canada's resolution against Iran show that we are again entering a period of pressure for which we must plan. It is possible that we will not be able to implement the single rate system well in the short term and will have to continue to use the multi-rate system to control the market. Our main economic policy should be to eliminate the multi-rate currency system, but in the short term, due to changes in international conditions, we may have to accept the two-rate system by modifying the existing currency discount process.