10 / July / 2016 07:02

Iran Leader Supreme urges firm reaction to “astronomic pays”

Iran Leader Supreme urges firm reaction to “astronomic pays”

Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stressed the need for firm reaction towards some cases of abnormally astronomic payments.

News ID: 735180

According to ILNA, In a letter to First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei said each and every organization is duty-bound to be sensitive towards unconventional payments and firmly deal with such cases.

He said his office is also responsible for making sure regulations ratified by the government are observed.

The Supreme Leader issued the letter in response to an earlier one sent to him by Jahangiri on June 14.

On the same date, Jahangiri also ordered cabinet members in an official letter to investigate top officials' salary in their ministry or organization.

In a bid to execute President Hassan Rouhani's order for probing the top officials' salaries, all the ministries, governmental organizations, banks and companies should send the list of salaries their top officials have received in the past one year, the letter noted.

According to the letter, the government organizations, companies and banks will have one week time to send the list of their top officials' average salaries.

Recently, there have been some reports of unreasonably whopping wages paid to some top officials in banks and insurance companies that led to sacking or resignation of some of them.

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