18 / July / 2016 13:52

President: Iran Needs Stable Markets for its Oil, Non-Oil Goods

President: Iran Needs Stable Markets for its Oil, Non-Oil Goods

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that Iran is in dire need of finding and preserving stable markets for export of its oil and non-oil commodities.

News ID: 735227

Addressing a group of businesspersons and officials in Kermanshah Province, western Iran, President Rouhani said his government has been successful in harnessing fuel smuggling as a major portion of fuel used to be smuggled out and it was too difficult to control the phenomenon, FNA reports.

He said now gasoil consumption has dropped by more than nine percent in light of certain successful policies for fuel distribution control that was adopted by his government.

The president then briefed the audience on his government's successful economic plans both in the pre- and post-sanctions era.

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