09 / October / 2016 21:07

Iran calls the US main partner for Saudi leaders

Iran calls the US main partner for Saudi leaders

EghtesadOnline: Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani says the US government is the major partner of Saudi leader al-Salman in killing innocent people in Yemen.

News ID: 737420

Iranian official stated that the US government provides Saudi leaders as well as the UAE with massive weaponary, adding the US is fully aware that the weapons are used against the defenseless people of Yemen.

He went on to say that the US government has expanded the type and volume of the weapons sent to Saudi Arabia, noting the country knows that they are used to massacre innocent women and children, reports ISNA.

According to media reports, Saudi-led warplanes struck a funeral at a community hall in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. More than 140 mourners were killed in the deadly attack.

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