11 / October / 2016 09:25

Iran urges UN to facilitate dispatch of humanitarian aid to Yemen

Iran urges UN to facilitate dispatch of humanitarian aid to Yemen

EghtesadOnline: Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Gholam Ali Khoshroo called on the United Nations to adopt immediate measures for dispatching Iran's humanitarian aid to the impoverished Yemen.

News ID: 737449

He made the remarks in a meeting with the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien on Monday, which took place following Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif's letter to Ban Ki-moon on the Saudi-led coalition recent airstrike on a funeral ceremony in Sana'a and voicing readiness of Iran Red Crescent Society for sending aid to and transfer of the wounded to Tehran for treatment, according to IRNA. 

Referring to the critical situation facing many of those wounded in Saudi Arabia's airstrike on a funeral hall in the capital on Saturday, Khoshro underlined the need for adopting swift action to that effect.

He also recalled that most of the injured are in dire need of medical services and delay in providing services will lead to an increase in the number of victims.

It was for the same reason that Iran's Red Crescent Society expressed it preparedness to dispatch humanitarian aid to the Yemenis and the UN is expected to help facilitate the process, Khoshro said.

O’Brien, for his part, said that currently, major portion of the international aid to Yemen is made through a mechanism devised by the UN and in coordination with the allied forces and it will welcome to do anything possible.

As to Zarif's letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric earlier said he has received the letter and is currently examining it.

He further noted that the secretary general welcomes any proposal to send aid to Yemen, especially under conditions financial resources for the country is very modest.

UN officials favor supply of humanitarian aid to Yemen and transfer of the wounded to other countries for treatment freely, Dujarric said, noting that unfortunately, there is no such a condition at present.

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