21 / February / 2017 14:16

Zanganeh: Iran-Iraq gas pipeline ready for inauguration

Zanganeh: Iran-Iraq gas pipeline ready for inauguration

EghtesadOnline: Minister of Petroleum Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Monday that Iran's gas pipeline which transfers Iran's gas to Iraq is ready to be launched.

News ID: 739959

He said upon his arrival to Baghdad on Monday while calling for the expansion of cooperation with Tehran as a big oil producing countries, IRNA reported.

He made the remarks at the airport in a welcoming ceremony extended to him by his Iraqi counterpart Jabbar al-Luaibi.

Speaking to reporters, he said the first phase of gas pipeline from Kermanshah in Iran is to transfer gas to Diyala province in east of Iraq, he said. 

The second phase of gas pipeline is to transfer Iran's gas to Iraq via Basra in south of Iraq, he said.

He also expressed satisfaction with the level of international cooperation mainly among OPEC members leading to global market price hikes. 

There are ample of untapped grounds for the expansion of mutual cooperation between Iran and Iraq in oil projects, Zanganeh said.

The Iraqi petroleum minister, for his part, welcomed his Iranian counterpart, and said Iraq can bolster and broaden cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran as a big oil producing country. 

Baghdad spares no efforts to expand such cooperation now and in the future, he said. 

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