10 / May / 2017 24:41

Zarif congratulates Haniyeh as head of Hamas Political Bureau

Zarif congratulates Haniyeh as head of Hamas Political Bureau

EghtesadOnline: Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif congratulated Ismail Haniyeh on his election as the head of Hamas Political Bureau by sending a message.

News ID: 741447

“I hope Haniyeh, with help of Almighty God and using the experiences of Resistance martyrs, foil the conspiracies of the enemy,” Zarif said in this message.

“I hope you cope with the great responsibility under the special situation in Palestine and the whole region with help of Almighty God and using the experiences of Resistance martyrs and foil threats and the conspiracies of the Zionist enemy and its overt and covert allies who target the unity of the Islamic world sowing discord and sedition to destroy the Palestinian cause, and broke the resistance of the brave sons of the Islamic Ummah,” ISNA quoted him as saying.

In the message, Zarif stressed on Iran’s continuous support for the Palestinian people's resistance.

In an election conducted at the councils and frameworks of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, Haneyya was elected as the head of Hamas’ political bureau, replacing Khaled Mashal, who has held this post since 1996.

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