28 / May / 2017 09:51

Iran experience shows that future belongs to faithful youth

Iran experience shows that future belongs to faithful youth

EghtesadOnline: The luminous gathering of intimacy with the Holy Quran was held on the first day of the Spring of the Quran, the auspicious month of Ramadan, in the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

News ID: 741767

Expressing pleasure with the blossoming of Quranic flowers in the great garden of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The blessed seeds of the Quran have been spread in this land and today the general atmosphere of the country is acquainted with the Quran and children and teenagers in various parts of the country are intimate with the Quran, whereas in the idolatrous [pre-revolution] era, the general milieu of the country was a stranger to the Quran”.

According to ISNA, the Leader cited as the “art of the revolution and Islamic establishment” the tangible advances in the Quranic movement of the country, adding, “Despite these progresses, we are still at the beginning of the path and Quranic meetings must be a prelude to intimacy with the Quran and a Quranization of the general mentality of the people”.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described intimacy with the Quran as helpful in finding correct answers to questions facing the lives of humanity, reiterating, “In a society moving toward its ideals, thousands of questions emerge about the kinds of communications and conduct, the types of stances and friendships and enmities and the ways to handle worldly affairs. The Quran has answers to all these questions”. 

Ayatollah Khamenei cited wrong and deviational answers to these questions as the reason behind the misery and misguidedness of humanity and today’s world as a whole, adding, “God has created humans for relationship, kindness and helping each other, but today there is war, insecurity, fear and misguidedness in every corner of the world”.  

The Leader cited liberation from these plights as hinging upon Quranic guidance, saying, “Unfortunately, today, the Muslim community, like other societies, is affected by problems and incompetent leaders in governments like the Saudi [regime] have taken hold of the fate of some Muslim communities”.  

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described aloofness from faith and Quranic realities as the reason for the creation of such condition, reiterating, “These people believe in the Quran in appearance and even print millions of copies of the holy book, but in practice, contrary to the stipulations of the Quran, are close to infidels and present to infidels and the enemies of their people the property that they should spend on the improvement of their people’s livelihood”.   

He pointed to the fictitious illusion of some reactionary countries who assume that the devotion of the enemies of Islam can be won with money, saying, “The reality is that there is no [such] intimacy and as the Americans themselves have said, they will milk them and ultimately slaughter them”.  

Pointing to the anti-religious deeds in Yemen and Bahrain, Ayatollah Khamenei recalled the Quran’s pledge to destroy the illegitimate, adding, “Those who commit such measures against Muslims are illegitimate and the illegitimate will certainly face decline and collapse. Of course, the time of their doom depends on how the faithful will act and if the faithful society acts correctly, the destruction of the illegitimate will occur sooner”.  

The Leader described the future as belonging to Islam, the Quran and the faithful youth, saying, “God has promised that the future is for the faithful and campaigners in his path, but even if this divine pledge had not existed, with the experience of the Iranian nation over the past four decades, such an anticipation would have been correct and logical”. 

Pointing to the very close ties between the [former] Pahlavi regime and the Americans, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, “In our country, there was a ruling government that the Americans clearly saw as their gendarme in the Persian Gulf, but despite all the global support [for the regime], the Iranian nation succeeded in toppling it and replacing it with the Islamic Republic, which the arrogant powers cannot even bear to see”. 

Ayatollah Khamenei described this valuable experience as an important sign of the victory of the rightful front and pointing to the verse from the Holy Quran that “you are superior if you are faithful,” reiterated, “In the path of faith, you should be ‘strong, frank and steadfast’ and I insist that various groups of the nation and officials exercise frankness in the expression of Islamic principles”.    

Strongly emphasizing the need to establish global communications, he added, “The progress of international communications has is in no conflict with frankness in the expression of principles and doctrines and we must enter the fray and trust in God”.  

Pointing to the experience of the Iranian nation and the triumph in the Imposed [Iraq-Iran] War, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, “Our nation prevailed in the Imposed War empty-handed; despite being inexperienced in political and international issues, our nation thwarted the plots of the enemies; for the past 40 years our nation has been standing against a powerful material front which has drawn its swords on it from every side; and these experiences show that the path of ‘strong, dignified and successful progress’ is ties with the Quran”.

Stressing the need to increase Quranic meetings and training, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the issue of Quran recitation by paying attention to the Quran’s meanings and concepts, adding, “In the recitation of the Quran, the rise and the fall and the tone must be such that the meanings and concepts are conveyed to the listener; therefore, one must grow intimate with the Quran more than ever and learn the language of the holy book”.   

In the luminous gathering, recieters, Hamed Alizadeh, Ahmad Reza Lotfi, Reza Mohammadpour, Seyyed Mohammad Hosseinipour, Vahid Nazarian, Hassan Abdi, Hamzeh Oudezadeh, Mehdi Adeli, Hamed Soltani, Mohammad Javad Panahi, Mohammad Reza Sotoudehnia, and the eulogy and harmonizing groups "Meshkat", "Sabil ur-Reshad" and "Muhammad Rasoul Allah" filled the atmosphere of the Imam Khomeini Husseiniya with the pleasing aroma of the Quran and supplications.     

At the end of the meeting, the afternoon and evening prayers were led by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

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