05 / November / 2017 13:41

Hariri resignation, US-Saudi-Zionist plot to heighten Mideast tensions: Iran

Hariri resignation, US-Saudi-Zionist plot to heighten Mideast tensions: Iran

EghtesadOnline: Iran has vehemently rejected remarks by Saad Hariri, who has stepped down as Lebanon’s Prime Minister, saying his resignation and rehashing of the “unfounded and baseless” allegations regularly leveled by the Zionists, Saudis and the US are another scenario to create new tensions in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East.

News ID: 744333

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi made the remarks on Saturday, a few hours after the announcement of Hariri’s resignation in Saudi Arabia, in which he made allegations against Iran and Lebanon's Resistance Movement Hezbollah.

“The sudden resignation of Mr. Hariri and its announcement in another country are not only regrettable and astonishing, but also indicative of him playing in a court that the ill-wishers in the region have laid out,” PressTV quoted him as saying.


“The winners in this field are not Arab and Muslim countries but the Zionist regime (Israel) which has defined its existence in tensions ‘in’ and ‘among’ the Muslim countries in the region,” the Iranian spokesperson added.

At a time when Daesh Takfiris and other terrorist groups are approaching their demise in regional states, it is necessary to promote calm in order to make up for the losses inflicted by terrorists backed by the US and its regional allies and reconstruct war-ravaged countries, he pointed out.

He said Iran believes that the resilient Lebanese people would thwart plots aimed at creating new tensions in their country and would “easily see this phase through as well.”


“The Islamic Republic of Iran always seeks the safeguarding of peace and stability in regional states and has defined its interests in the security, stability and economic prosperity of all regional and neighboring countries,” Qassemi added.

This is the reason why Tehran in its regional policies attaches special significance to the fight against insecurity, instability and extremist and terrorist groups with the purpose of promoting peace in all countries, he emphasized.

The Iranian spokesperson pointed to excellent ties between Tehran and Beirut and said the Islamic Republic has always respected Lebanon’s independence, stability and peace and announced its readiness to cooperate with the Lebanese government in all issues of common interest.


In a speech broadcast from Saudi Arabia on Saturday, Hariri announced his resignation, citing many reasons, including the security situation in Lebanon, for his sudden decision. Hariri announced his resignation following visits to Saudi Arabia.

He said that he sensed a plot being hatched against his life. Hariri also accused Iran and Hezbollah of meddling in the affairs of the Arab countries.

This comes as Lebanese President Michel Aoun on October 31 stressed Iran’s significant role in the Middle East, saying the Islamic Republic is a regional power and part of the solution to the region’s woes.

“Iran is present and has its influence in the Middle East and it must be taken into account,” he said.


The president also stressed that Iran has “no ambitions in Lebanon.”


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