01 / September / 2019 09:39

Iran Determined to Take Next Nuclear Steps on Sept. 6

EghtesadOnline: Iran is determined to further reduce its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal, if the remaining signatories fail to uphold their side of the bargain, Tehran's ambassador to the United Nations' nuclear watchdog says.

News ID: 748322

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined and serious about taking the announced steps," Kazem Gharibabadi also said on Friday, in reference to the country's decision to reduce its compliance with the nuclear accord in phases in retaliation for Washington's withdrawal from the UN-endorsed nuclear accord and renewal of sanctions that have hit Iranian oil sales. 

His comments came hours after the International Atomic Energy Agency issued a report, saying that Iran has gone further in reducing compliance with its nuclear deal with world powers, increasing its stock of enriched uranium and refining it to a greater purity than allowed. 

In July, IAEA said Iran exceeded both a 202.8-kg limit on its low-enriched uranium stock and its 3.67% cap on the fissile purity to which it is allowed to refine uranium. A quantity of 202.8 kg of low-enriched uranium corresponds to 300 kg of UF6 (uranium hexafluoride), according to Financial Tribune.

In a verbal update on July 10, IAEA said Iran was enriching uranium to 4.5% purity and had stockpiled 213.5 kg of enriched uranium. 

Friday's quarterly report to member states obtained by Reuters said Iran has accumulated 241.6 kg of low-enriched uranium and is enriching at around the same level as before, up to 4.5%.



Looming Deadline

Iran has threatened to take further steps by Sept. 6, such as enriching to 20% or restarting mothballed centrifuges—machines that enrich uranium.

Gharibabadi, who represents Iran at international organizations in Vienna, said "full and sincere implementation of all sides is the basis for the survival of the nuclear deal". 

"In order for the nuclear accord to survive, the remaining members should guarantee Iran's interests under the agreement by taking immediate, practical and appropriate measures within a defined timetable," he added. 

Struggling to save the nuclear deal, France, Britain and Germany have set up the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges or INSTEX, a barter trade mechanism that aims to avoid direct financial transfers by offsetting balances between importers and exporters on the European side.

The system initially will only deal in products such as pharmaceuticals and foods, which are not subject to US sanctions. Iranian officials have repeatedly said the mechanism must include oil sales or provide substantial credit facilities for it to be beneficial.

The latest report said ongoing interactions between IAEA and Iran require "full and timely" cooperation by Iran, adding that this objective is being pursued by the agency. 

A senior diplomat, however, said Iran had not changed its level of cooperation and IAEA inspectors were able to visit all the locations in the country they needed to.


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