19 / November / 2019 24:13

Zarif hails Palestinians' imposing of truce on Zionist regime as a success

EghtesadOnline: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a phone conversation with the Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh slammed the recent Zionist regime aggression against Palestinians and hailed their success in imposing a ceasefire on Zionists.

News ID: 748946

During the phone call, Zarif condemned Zionists' aggression to the occupied lands, especially the Gaza Strip, IRNA reported.

Islamic Jihad Movement set conditions last Wednesday for accepting ceasefire with Israel. Stopping assassination, attacking return rallies near Gaza borders and Israel's abidance by the understandings on annulling Gaza siege are among the conditions.

Eventually, it was announced on November 14 that Palestine Islamic Jihad Movement and the Zionist regime accepted ceasefire at the request of Egypt.


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