20 / November / 2019 09:22

JCPOA collapse to be detrimental to entire world

JCPOA collapse to be detrimental to entire world

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani in a meeting with Australia's new ambassador to Iran said that the collapse of the joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will be detrimental to the entire world and everybody must pay attention to important issues and the interests of the world.

News ID: 748995

"It is unprecedented in the international history that the US wants to punish countries that are acting based on the UN resolutions," President Rouhani said in the meeting with Lyndall Sachs while receiving a copy of her credentials.

"Standing up to the US sanctions is everybody’s duty," IRNA quoted the Iranian president as saying.

“We must stand up to the United States’ illegal actions and make them understand that everybody must act based on the law,” he continued.

The new Australian Ambassador said, "We believe that deepening economic and trade relations between Iran and Australia can lay the ground for further development of relations."

She stated that Australia always supports the JCPOA, adding, "We believe that the JCPOA is a tool to establish and develop peace and security in the region and that everybody must live up to their commitments under the deal."

President Rouhani received the credentials of the New Ambassadors to Iran of  Finland, Congo, New Zealand, Pakistan, Guinea, Kenya, Senegal, Turkmenistan and Tunisia in Tehran on Tuesday.

During the meetings, President Rouhani emphasized the importance of promoting economic cooperation and reinforcing private sector activities.

In a meeting with the new Cambodian Ambassador to Tehran Yong Se Aan, President Rouhani said Iran and Cambodia have good capacities for developing cooperation and expressed Iran's readiness for boosting economic cooperation, saying Cambodia is able to play major role in developing cooperation between Iran and Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The new non-resident ambassador of Cambodia too referred to grounds for trade, investment and tourism cooperation between two countries, saying economic ties and friendship of the two nations and governments are available.

The President also stressed the need to further promote political ties and expand cooperation between Iran and Zimbabwe private sector companies active in economic and cultural fields when he received the credentials of the new ambassador of Zimbabwe Christopher Mapanga.

Mapanga said on the meeting that the common enemies have imposed sanctions on both Iran and Zimbabwe that need to stand against the oppression.

In the meeting with the new Swedish Ambassador Mattias Lentz, the Iranian President expressed hope for Iranian and Swedish officials to make efforts for developing relations between Tehran and Stockholm.

Appreciating Sweden's stance to save the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), he said Iran complies with its commitments.

Meanwhile, Lentz said today economic activists and companies consider Iran as an honest partner.

Both sides will be able to continue cooperation in political, trade, economic, scientific and academic fields more than ever, he noted.

He noted that Sweden stands by Iran with regard to recent developments in the region and is ready for establishing cooperation in reducing regional tensions.

Sweden has always supported Iran deal, he said urging all sides to comply with their commitments.

In the meeting with the new Yemeni Ambassador, Ibrahim Mohammad Mohammad al-Deilami, while receiving his letter of credence, President Rouhani said, “In recent years, we have witnessed the Yemenis extraordinary bravery and steadfastness”.

The Yemeni new Ambassador presented said, “Yemen will not forget the Iranian government and nation’s valuable stances in supporting the country’s revolution”.


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