07 / December / 2019 11:43

P5+1 Summit Would Convene If All Sanctions Are Lifted

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani reiterated on Wednesday that Iran is open to holding a meeting with heads of state of the countries that originally signed the 2015 nuclear deal, including the United States, as soon as the American sanctions are completely removed.

News ID: 749124

US President Donald Trump pulled out of the agreement between Iran and the six world powers last year, arguing that it did not cover all areas of western concern. 

He reimposed sweeping sanctions on Tehran to push for negotiations over a new and more comprehensive deal. 

Iran has refused to engage in any talks as long as the US economic pressure persists, according to Financial Tribune.

"The moment America agrees to set aside its wrong, unlawful, cruel and terroristic sanctions, the heads of Iran and P5+1 [the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany] can immediately meet and we have no problem about that," Rouhani said during his address in an insurance conference, President.ir reported.   

He described the sanctions as a "cruel act" by the White House, which has harmed Iran economically. 

"Regarding the sanctions, Iran was neither the initiator, nor the culprit; nor is it behaving obstinately … We want what is just and the fulfillment of the right of Iranian people," he said. 

"We have no way but to stand against imposers of sanctions, but we have not closed the window of negotiations."

The remaining parties to the nuclear deal have been trying to keep it alive, maintaining that it is the best platform for further talks with Iran over other areas of dispute. 

The Europeans took steps to counter the effects of US sanctions, but their measures did not result in a notable improvement in the Iranian economy. 



Diplomatic Efforts at UN 

During the United Nations General Assembly in September, France tried to broker dialogue between Iran and the US, with French President Emmanuel Macron proposing a four-point plan based on which both sides would make concessions to clear the way for diplomatic talks. 

His initiative failed because neither side agreed to make the suggested compromises.  

"We declared that if America lifts all sanctions against Iran, we can have a meeting in an hour because all heads of P5+1 were present in New York, but the Americans wanted to meet first and then discuss the sanctions removal," Rouhani said, adding that Iran does not wish to be tricked. 

The president highlighted the fact that Iran never violated the pact and is still adhering to it, although it has been breached by the other sides. 

"Even the reductions in our compliance today are within the framework of the very agreement," he said. 

Iran began in May to scale back its commitments under the deal in a gradual manner in response to the US pressure and the remaining parties' inability to make up for it. 

Officials in Tehran have explained that these nuclear measures are based on the provisions of the deal for a time when a party is deemed non-compliant. 

They have also declared that the steps are reversible once Iran's economic woes are addressed.


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