15 / December / 2019 13:20

Zarif Heads for Doha Forum

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif left Tehran for Qatar on Saturday to attend the Doha Forum scheduled for Dec. 14-15.

News ID: 749193

He is set to address the forum on Sunday and will meet his counterparts on the sidelines of the event, ISNA reported. 

Doha Forum was established in 2000 as a global platform for dialogue on critical challenges facing the world. It brings together foreign policy leaders to build innovative and action driven networks.

This year's event is themed “Reimagining Governance in a Multipolar World,” according to its website, and will delve into topics, such as trends and technology; trade and investment; human capital and inequality; security, cybergovernance, and defense; international organizations, civil society and non-state actors; as well as culture and identity, Financial Tribune reported.


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