15 / February / 2020 13:11

System to Help Rank ICT Operators

EghtesadOnline: Technologies Ministry to give subscribers the opportunity to assess operators.

News ID: 749686

Launched on Thursday, the system called Netsanj Plus is available on Netsanjplus.ir. It presents a detailed analysis and ranking of internet service providers and their services based on the user's location, Peivast reported.

To use the system, subscribers are required to spot a certain location on the interactive map on the website's homepage and then select the type of internet service (namely mobile data, ADSL and TD-LTE), the quality of which they intend to know, according to Financial Tribune.

As soon as the two factors are selected, a quick analysis will appear on the screen, showing the quality of internet connection offered by ISPs both on the map and comparative bar charts.

Besides, tariffs for data usage and network coverage are also shown for users. Subscribers can also file complaints over poor services, which would be observable for all visitors.The system works nationwide.




Announcing the launch of the website on an Instagram live session, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the ICT minister, said besides subscribers, the website will also benefit operators. 

By monitoring the analytical data provided on the website, ISPs could observe their status, maintain their strengths and remove shortcomings.

Jahromi added, "In the past two years, experts have monitored network and data coverage throughout the country and planted over 6,000 measurement sensors in different spots. Thanks to their efforts, real-time data can be harvested from the sensors and directly shown on the website." 

He noted that the system helps promote competitiveness among mobile operator companies, encouraging them to offer more efficient services.

"The complaints and reports submitted to the website by the users are to be collected periodically by the Communication Regulatory Authorities to take remedial measures," he added. 

The website was supposed to become operational in August 2019 under the name Faradid. However, according to the officials, the completion of the database and some technical issues caused the delay. 



Private Version

Similar to the newly-launched project, Iran’s private cloud service provider Arvan Cloud set up a platform early January to help monitor the availability of internet services in the country.

For generating real-time reports, Arvan Cloud gathers information from communication operators: Mobile Telecommunications Company of Iran, MTN-Irancell, Asia Tech, Mobinnet, Afranet, Respina and HiWEB.

The information is available on Radar.arvancloud.com.

Internet users and Iran observers mostly rely on foreign services like NetBlocks, Pingdom and IODA for checking network availability in the Islamic Republic.

Arvan Cloud is one of the leading tech companies in Iran. In January 2019, it was reported that the firm is worth $9.5 million. It has close ties with Bank Pasargad and its ICT affiliate, Fanap.

Some of the services offered by Arvan include cloud computing, cloud security and cloud storage, along with services related to content delivery networks, live streaming, video ads and cloud domain name systems.

Major Iranian businesses and state agencies have made use of services offered by Arvan Cloud. The tech firm’s customers include oil and energy ministries, National Iranian Oil Company, Expediency Council and Tehran Municipality, as well as major banks such as Pasargad, Saman, Eghtesad Novin and Ayandeh.

Iranian business outlets, including Digikala, Bamilo, Divar, Snapp Food, Snapp Trip, Alibaba, Netbarg and Jabama, have also enlisted the Arvan Cloud services.



Nationwide Developments

Expansion of communications services and promotion of telecom infrastructure investment have been high on President Hassan Rouhani’s agenda since he took office during his first term in 2013.

Data released by CRA in October 2019 show that the sector registered significant growth in the past few years.

Internet penetration rate has reached 90.78% in the country, but the mobile internet penetration rate is lower and stands at 78.14%. About two years ago, the rates stood at 53.53% and 41.72% respectively.

Iran has over 64 million mobile internet subscribers, in addition to the registration of 10.3 million landline internet subscriptions. The numbers are significantly higher compared to two years ago—33.2 million and 9.4 million respectively. 

The total number of internet subscribers has reached 74.5 million.

Data show Iran's mobile communications network has grown fast over the past few years with the registration of 93 million mobile subscriptions. The number is significantly higher from the 63 million registered five years ago.

With 1,241 cities and a population of 82 million, the country’s mobile communications penetration rate has reached 113.34%.


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