05 / April / 2023 22:28

Mazandaran Exports Register Growth

Mazandaran Exports Register Growth

EghtesadOnline: A total of 908,000 tons of goods were exported from Mazandaran Province during the first 11 months of last Iranian year (March 21, 2022-Feb. 19), registering a 6% rise compared with the corresponding period of the year before, according to Mohammad Bakeri, a local official.

News ID: 752384

A total of 908,000 tons of goods were exported from Mazandaran Province during the first 11 months of last Iranian year (March 21, 2022-Feb. 19), registering a 6% rise compared with the corresponding period of the year before, according to Mohammad Bakeri, a local official.

Cement, mineral products and dairy products were the main goods exported during the period, the news portal of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development reported.

The official added that 2.44 million tons of goods were imported into the province’s ports during the same period and mainly included corn, barley, wheat and edible oil.

Bakeri noted that 193,000 tons of foreign goods were transited from Mazandaran during the same period, registering a 19% year-on-year rise.

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