17 / August / 2016 10:52

UN Directs $50 Million Crisis Funding for Yemen, African Nations

EghtesadOnline: The United Nations released $50 million from an emergency response fund to help six “severely underfunded and neglected aid operations,” including in Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad.

News ID: 768875

The money will assist 2 million people including refugees and the internally displaced, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund said on its website.

Most of the funding will go toward responses to humanitarian crises in central Africa caused by conflict and political instability, with operations in the Central African Republic getting $9 million, those in Chad $10 million and Congo-based partners $11 million. Those in Rwanda, which is hosting refugees from neighboring Burundi and Congo, will receive $5 million, according to Bloomberg.

A further $13 million will go to relief operations in Yemen, where an estimated 21.2 million people need assistance, while humanitarian partners in Eritrea will get $2 million to respond to needs caused by poor rainfall, the UN fund said.

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