13 / October / 2016 09:56

Nasrallah: Palestinian Intifada not to stop

EghtesadOnline: Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah underlined that the Palestinians are doing the right thing by continuing their uprising against the Israeli regime.

News ID: 770326

'A new intifada (uprising) is the right choice for Palestinians to fight the Israeli regime’s occupation of their homeland,' Nasrallah said, addressing a crowd of Hezbollah forces who had gathered to mark Ashura (the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hossein (AS), the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the third Shiite Imam) in Beirut's Dahiyeh. 

The Hezbollah chief praised “heroic Palestinian operations” against the regime in Tel Aviv, saying such an uprising will exhaust the Zionist enemy and will eventually make it end its occupation of Palestinian lands, according to IRNA.

Nasrallah also referred to the crises and terror threats plaguing several Muslim nations of the Middle East, including Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain and Lebanon.

“Our enemies do their best to detect positions of weakness across our ranks; however, they will never manage to reach their goals,” the Hezbollah leader said.

He, meantime, said that the Saudi war on Yemen does not have political goals and has turned to reflect Riyadh regime’s grudge and hatred towards the Yemenis who have refused to surrender.

Saudi Arabia considers that Yemen must always be subject to its will and rejects that Yemenis act independently and courageously and seek sovereignty, Nasrallah said.

Referring to a comment by Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who had said the Saudi nose will be rubbed in the dirt in the war against the Yemeni people, Nasrallah said, 'When we talk of the victory of the Yemeni nation, it is not a motto, but it is a reality.' 

The world has to know that the Yemeni nation will not fall in the imposed war and they will never surrender, Nasrallah said. 

The Saudi regime does not favor an “independent” and “courageous” Yemen, and has launched a war of hatred against the Arabian Peninsula state, said Nasrallah.

Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni fighters are ready to make sacrifices in the battle against Saudi invaders, stressed the Hezbollah head.

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