06 / December / 2016 21:14

Rouhani underlines Iran-Indonesia cooperation in fighting terrorism

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday called for cooperation with Indonesia as the friendly Muslim state to fight terrorism and help alleviate sufferings of the Muslim nations.

News ID: 772014

The President made the remarks in a meeting with Speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Zulkifi Hasan, IRNA reported.

President Rouhani said that the two countries boast of good capacities and capabilities for promoting ties in various economic sectors which can be used for enhanced cooperation in different fields.

Describing development of banking relations as essential for promoting economic ties, he hoped that trade with Indonesia is expected to hit two billion dollars a year.

Iran and Indonesia which have numerous cultural commonalities can boost cooperation in the sector, he said, noting that real Islam is the Islam of moderation and kindness.

Unity among the Muslims worldwide is one of the major ideals of the Islamic world, as the Muslim World can achieve its due status through unity, he said.

Unfortunately, most of the Islamic states are grappling with instability and numerous problems, he said, 'We should use all in power to restore security to the Muslim states and make efforts to save their lives.'

Describing terrorism as a great challenge for the region, East Asia and other points of the world, the president said that Islamic thinkers should expose the real identity of the terrorists who attribute themselves to Islam.

Indonesian Speaker Zulkifi Hasan, for his part, underlined development of Tehran-Jakarta relations, saying that Iran and Indonesia as the two great Muslim countries have had good cooperation in various spheres and struggle for promoting commercial and economic relations.

Stressing the need for introducing moderate Islam and inviting Muslims to set aside difference and promote common views, he said that Iran and Indonesia as the countries with large Muslim populations can take effective steps in this respect.

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