13 / December / 2016 05:37

Britain seeks profitable market for its ‘useless weapons’; velayati

EghtesadOnline: Leader’s senior adviser has said Britain has been a US follower in Middle East, lacking any original line of policy of their own.

News ID: 772224

According to ILNA, Ali Akbar Velayati received Leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah on Monday morning to discuss bilateral relations. In a brief press conference Velayati voiced response to recent remarks by British Prime Minister Theresa May earlier last week; “Britain will follow the suit of the US in conceding defeat in the Middle East, since they systematically lacked an original line of foreign policy and just followed the US tracks in the region; they have been largely businessmen of petty interests and I believe Britain have been seeking lucrative markets for its useless weapons, and the Persian Gulf has been an excellent place to invest with necessary political interests,” he told the press.

 “British ‘unexperienced’ Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson have sought to mollify Saudis after his gaffe in Rome, by reiterating British-Saudi unwelcome cordial relations in the region; even British newspaper had admitted Saudi defeat in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq; however, Britain would make happy Saudi allies with repeating ineffectual stuff,” said he.

 “Saudis should come grudgingly to terms with their defeated status in the region in the face of a collective awakening especially in Yemen where the country had been under relentless strikes by the kingdom’s callous leaders; in Iraq, the Army is in the brink of a historic success in defeating ISIL in Mosul; the situation is similar in Aleppo; in Lebanon, the incumbent president favors Hezbollah line; all these indicate a crushed Saudi foreign policy,” he told the press.

Asked about the US Congress extension of Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) and whether Iran would prepare responses to that, Leader’s senior adviser said that Iran would definitely fashion a response; “Iran waits and watches the developments with patient and for some expediencies, would not divulge the details of any retaliatory measure; we believe Iran had been acting according to its commitments in JCPOA, and see the US as a violator of the deal even before the ISA extension,” he added.

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