14 / December / 2016 18:31

Syria strategy for Aleppo, role model for tensions management: Security official

EghtesadOnline: Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council says that the Syrian government's strategy for Aleppo can be a role model of management of tensions in other regions.

News ID: 772293

In a statement on Tuesday evening, Ali Shamkhani extended congratulations to the Syrian people, government and army on liberation of the strategic city of Aleppo in that country.

According to IRNA, Shamkhani further said the principled policy adopted by the Syrian government on deviding the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and other armed groups, and letting their safe and secure exit from east of Aleppo can be used as a role model for managing tensions in other regions.

He further described the policy as an important step towards prevention of more casualties and damage.

In the framework of local reconciliations in Damascus Countryside, the authorities settled Tuesday the legal status of 1,500 persons, who turned themselves in and handed over their arms, from Kanaker town in accordance with the Amnesty Decree no.15 for 2016, Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported. 

Shamkhani said that preventing foreign terrorists from entering Syria, cutting dispatch of weapons and financial aid to the armed groups in that country and non-military interference of the neighbors in the Syrian crisis are among the basic measures to relieve tensions and violence there.

The Syrian nation's resistance against terrorists affiliated with Western and regional countries did bring a historic victory for the nation, Shamkhani stressed.

Shamkhani appreciated the outstanding performance of the Syrian Army during the past six years to defend Syria when dealing with the armed-to-the-teeth terrorists.

However, the military victories cannot be substituted with the diplomatic efforts based on holding dialogue between the Syrian government and the armed groups to bring national reconciliation in that country, he stressed.

Shamkhani also said the attack of the terrorist group of Daesh on Syrian city of Palmyra (Tadmur) that simultaneously took place with the Syrian Army's progress in Aleppo has been a plot hatched by the West to limit and humiliate Russia as one of the Syrian Army's supporters in fight against terrorism. 

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