10 / February / 2017 13:30

Iran, Russia underlined fulfillment of commitments of JCPOA

EghtesadOnline: Russia in a statement on Thursday, released following the meeting between Sergey Ryabkov and Abbas Araqchi, announced that both Tehran and Moscow remain to believe that Iran’s nuclear deal contributes to regional and global security.

News ID: 773816

The statement by the Russian foreign ministry reads that the two officials discussed various aspects of implementation of the nuclear deal reached between Iran and six world powers last year, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, according to ILNA.

According to the statement, the two deputy foreign ministers underlined that the fulfillment of commitments by the parties involved in the deal will ensure successful and sustainable implementation of the JCPOA.

The issues of international security and prohibition of mass destruction weapons were also discussed during the meeting between Araqchi and Ryabkov, the statement further suggests.

Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi during his one-day visit to Moscow held lengthy talks on the JCPOA and possible challenges ahead of full implementation the landmark deal.

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