18 / March / 2017 18:17

Dy FM invites artists to focus on immigration, harsh condition of immigrants

EghtesadOnline: Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi has called on theater artists to focus on immigration and immigrants in their artistic works.

News ID: 774684

Araqchi told artists on Friday that artists can cover harsh conditions of immigration and its grave consequences, IRNA reported.

He made the remarks after viewing a film on Manos refuge camp in Australia, directed by Nazanin Sahamizadeh.

Araqchi said that he had good connection with the show.

“The theme of the show was so that while present in Finland and Japan, had a full contact with it.”

He noted that while present in Japan, he witnessed that Iranians had followed difficult ways to be present in Japan and when speaking with Iranians in Japan's jails he found out they were suffering dreadful psychological tortures.

“So, I do like the conditions will be used in a screen play because the conditions, alike the theme of Manos screen show provides theater artists with a good subject.”

Araqchi said that Iranian foreign ministry has done its best in connection with conditions of Iranian refugees in other countries. “We hope that in the post-JCPOA era, there will be no such bitter events.”

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