30 / June / 2017 13:13

VLCC Discharges Off Singapore

EghtesadOnline: An Iranian very large crude carrier (VLCC) has finally discharged its cargo almost six months after loading.

News ID: 777279

The Snow—which is operated by Iran’s state-owned National Iranian Tanker Company—finished offloading its 2 million barrel cargo via a ship-to-ship transfer off Singapore on Monday. The tanker was carrying the cargo since departing Kharg Island on January 2, Argus Media reported.  The Snow subsequently spent time off the UK coast and then docked at Rotterdam on March 5 but did not discharge. Another NITC VLCC, the Huge, delivered an Iranian cargo to Rotterdam in mid-February. The Snow then travelled via the Cape route to Singapore, where it has been anchored since. Over that entire period shipping data indicates only modest draft changes indicative of fuel consumption and bunkering. Snow is now heading north from Singapore via the Malacca Straits with Sungai Linggi, Malaysia, reported as its next destination, according to Financial Tribune.

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