17 / September / 2017 07:49

Shamkhani criticizes instrumental approach of western powers to terrorism

EghtesadOnline: The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council held a meeting with the President of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, discussing the ways to expand the level of relations and cooperation between the two countries.

News ID: 779230

Referring to Iran’s readiness for expanding the scope of cooperation in areas of economy, politics, culture, and security with European countries especially Belgium, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said, “The Parliaments of the two countries can play a very effective role in paving the way for tapping the huge potential of investment opportunities in Iran, in the areas of energy, technology, and knowledge based economy”.

“The recent days’ event in Europe indicated that instrumental approach of some countries to terrorism in Iraq and Syria has led to spread of uncontrollable horrific phenomenon to the heart of Europe,” warned the Iranian senior official blaming westerners and some regional states for arming, equipping, training, and developing terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq.

“The threatening literature of American political and security officials against Iran not only has no impact on Tehran's principled policies on the region, enhancing the conventional defense capabilities and continued support for the nations which are oppressed by the arrogance system but also exposes the real bellicose approach of this country to the public opinion of the world,” ISNA quoted him as saying.

He also noted that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action known as JCPOA is an international document approved by the UNSC which mandates all sides’ compliance with it and protection against unwise, extremist, and illegal measures which undermine it.

The President of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives Siegfried Bracke, for his part, underlined that with activation of the huge potentials of cooperation between Iran and Belgium a new chapter will be opened in the bilateral relations of the two countries in the areas of mutual interests.

He also offered thanks to Tehran for all the measures taken against terrorism saying that, “Iran is the stabilizing element in the region playing a bold role in fighting terrorism”.


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