23 / October / 2017 15:06

JCPOA excellent document for resolving regional, global crises

EghtesadOnline: Iranian deputy foreign minister stressed that Tehran has fully implemented all its commitments under the nuclear deal and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified and confirmed the issue.

News ID: 779953

At the conference on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in Moscow, Iranian deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs Abbass Araghchi said, “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action known as JCPOA is an excellent document and is a good example for resolving regional and global crises”.

According to ISNA, Araghchi criticized that US government’s irresponsible approaches have created a new condition for the JCPOA which is an international accord endorsed by the United Nations and all parties that signed it.

He then pointed out that the United States has not fulfilled its commitments and has not respected any article of this agreement.


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