24 / October / 2017 13:34

Iran FM: Trump's mudslinging can't blemish Iran's honor

EghtesadOnline: Iranian minister of foreign affairs said no mudslinging from people like Trump can spoil Iran's honor and defense, as long as Iranians back their country, Islamic establishment and Revolution.

News ID: 779994

Addressing a meeting with Iranian Diaspora in Pretoria, South Africa, on Monday, Mohammad Javad Zarif said, 'Once again, we hear whispers from political newcomers; we need to recount that Iran has fought all the corruptions, sanctions, wars, and aggressions successfully.'

'Iran has made an example for history of those who pressured us and we are standing taller than ever, Zarif said, adding,'Iran owes nothing to anyone for its security, as well as technological, and economic progress.'

'The countries around Iran are either a nuclear power or under the protective umbrella of one, or even more; but none enjoy the security like Iran's,' Zarif added.

Referring to all the petrodollars in the Middle East spent on buying 'beautiful weaponry', Zarif asked, 'Which of them are as powerful as Iran? Which of them can proudly say that their security and progress is endogenous?' 

'We seek peace and stability for the region. We seek interaction with the whole world. But we don’t need, like certain Persian Gulf states, to run to Camp David as soon as the US frowned at them.'

Zarif is in South Africa at the invitation of his south African counterpart Maite Nkoana-Mashabane to take part in the 13th session of Iran-South Africa Joint Economic Commission. 

Zarif is to leave Pretoria for Uganda on Tuesday.


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