27 / January / 2018 06:44

Qazvin Agro Exports Earn $140 Million

EghtesadOnline: About $73 million worth of unprocessed agricultural products, including raisins, honey, pistachios and cucurbit crops, were exported from Qazvin Province in the 10 months to Jan. 21, an official with Qazvin Agriculture Jihad Organization announced.

News ID: 781532

Shahram Rahmani added that Qazvin’s export of processed agricultural products, such as pasta, milk powder, tomato paste, vinegar and potato products, stood at $72 million during the same period, IRNA reported.

Iraq, Russia, Qatar, Turkey, and Pakistan were the main destinations.

According to Rahmani, Qazvin ranks first in Iran in the production of grapes, raisins and cornelian cherry, and the third biggest pistachio producing province in the country, Financial Tribune reported.


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