18 / January / 2020 24:48

53,624 Industrial Projects Unfinished

EghtesadOnline: There were a total of 53,624 unfinished projects in Iran’s industrial sector as of Dec. 21, latest figures released by the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade show.

News ID: 785273

There were 36,138 unfinished projects with a physical progress of between zero and 20%; 3,518 with 20-40%; 3,579 with 40-60%; 7,226 with 60-80% and 3,163 with 80-99% as of Dec. 21, Financial Tribune reported.

The investment needed to complete these projects is estimated to stand at $43.33 billion, $6.62 billion, $4.49 billion, $6.25 billion and $4.72 billion, respectively, Donya-e-Eqtesad reported.


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