07 / February / 2024 11:08

Iran says coordination with IAEA progressing

Iran says coordination with IAEA progressing

Iran’s nuclear chief says that the country's coordination with the International Atomic Energy Agency is on a progressing track.

News ID: 823641

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami made the remarks while speaking to the reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday morning.

"Coordination with the agency is progressing and we hope this process will continue," Eslami said.

He stressed that the continuation of the procedure of expanding nuclear technologies and equipment will lead to foiling enemies' plots against Iran's peaceful nuclear industry.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Eslami referred to the newly-developed magnetic mass spectrometer “Iranium”, saying that the product was monopolized by the United States, the UK, and Germany, but Iranian nuclear scientists managed to build the strategic device after four years of exhausting research work. / Mehr

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