08 / February / 2024 18:17

Resistance Groups Denounce US Assassination of Iraqi Resistance Commander

Resistance Groups Denounce US Assassination of Iraqi Resistance Commander

The US assassination of a high-ranking commander of Iraq’s Kata’ib Hezbollah anti-terror group has drawn widespread condemnation in the region.

News ID: 823902

Wissam Muhammad Saber, also known as Abu Baqer al-Saadi, the commander in charge of Kata’ib Hezbollah’s operations in Syria, was martyred on Wednesday evening after a US drone strike hit a moving vehicle east of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Two other Kata’ib Hezbollah officials also lost their lives in the attack.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said it had killed the “commander responsible for directly planning and participating in attacks on US forces in the region.”

In a statement, Secretary-General of Kata’ib Hezbollah Abu Hussein al-Hamidawi extended congratulations and condolences to Saadi’s family and comrades as well as the Muslim Ummah and the Iraqi people over the commander’s martyrdom.

The assassination of Saadi “calls us to remain steadfast in the jihadist approach,” he noted, referring to the endeavor for the sake of God.

The Palestinian Hamas resistance group also strongly condemned the brutal US aggression on Iraq.

“We consider this to be a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty and security, done on behalf of the Zionist occupation’s agenda and its expansionist projects,” it added.

Hamas further held the administration of US President Joe Biden responsible for the escalation of tensions in the region through its supply of arms and support for Israel’s ongoing genocidal war on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

“The region will not witness stability or peace except through an end to the Zionist occupation of our Palestinian and Arab lands,” it asserted.

Similarly, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement denounced the US-targeted killing of the Iraqi anti-terror commander.

The US administration had adopted an aggressive approach in a bid to “incite conflict in the region, (as well as) protect the Zionist entity and support the war of extermination” against the Palestinians.

Meanwhile, Yemen’s popular Ansarullah resistance movement condemned the “treacherous” and “cowardly” US criminal attack in Baghdad, saying it “comes in the context of American support for the Zionist entity.”

The assassination of Saadi is tantamount to “an aggression against the entire Iraqi people” and shows “the effectiveness of the strikes of the Iraqi resistance in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza,” it emphasized.

“The American presence in Iraq and the region is a major reason for destabilizing security and stability.”

Tensions have ratcheted up in West Asia due to the United States’ support for Israel’s bloody onslaught on Gaza, which has killed at least 27,708 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 67,174 others over the past four months.

Resistance groups, in retaliation, have launched attacks on bases housing US occupation forces in Iraq and Syria. Yemeni armed forces have also launched a pro-Palestine maritime campaign, targeting Israel-bound or affiliated ships, in the southern Red Sea, the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, the Gulf of Aden, and even the Arabian Sea. / Tasnim

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