14 / April / 2024 17:56

Iran Army Chief Warns US About Intervention in Support of Israel

Iran Army Chief Warns US About Intervention in Support of Israel

The commander of the Iranian Army cautioned the US to refrain from backing the Zionist regime which has been hit by Iran in a retaliatory operation, warning that all American military bases in the region will be deemed to be operational targets should Washington step in.

News ID: 836359

EghtesadOnline: In remarks on Sunday, Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi lauded the armed forces for the punitive mission “Operation True Promise” they carried out in the wee hours of Sunday in retaliation for the Israeli airstrike on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1.

He said the illegitimate Zionist regime had crossed all red lines and violated the international law by attacking the Iranian diplomatic mission that resulted in the martyrdom of a number of Iranian military advisors.

The Army commander noted the Iran decided to launch the punitive operation against the Israeli regime following increasing public demand from the Iranian nation for retaliation and after the international organizations’ failure to punish the Zionist regime in accordance with Article 7 of the UN Charter.

He then cautioned the Israeli regime that it will have to face yet “harsher punishment” if it insists on the continuation of its aggressive measures.

The Army chief finally warned the US authorities that their intervention in support of the Zionist regime will jeopardize all American bases and interests in the region, because Iran will then consider the US bases, particularly those used as sources of threat against the Islamic Republic, as operational targets. / Tasnim

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