26 / April / 2024 24:41

Iran Envoy Urges UN Security Council to Address Israeli Atrocities in Gaza

Iran Envoy Urges UN Security Council to Address Israeli Atrocities in Gaza

Iran's UN ambassador denounced Israel's "destabilizing" activities in the West Asia and urged the UN Security Council to hold Israel accountable for its "atrocities" in Gaza.

News ID: 838663

EghtesadOnline: "Israel's ongoing destabilized and irresponsible actions and atrocities against the nations in the region are a real threat to regional and international peace and security," Amir Saeid Iravani told a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday.

He said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to escalate conflict to stay in power, urging the council not to be "held hostage" to such a "belligerent regime".

"It is time for the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security."

"The Security Council must promptly fulfill its duty under Chapter 7 of the Charter in response to Israel's reckless defiance."

"It must take urgent and punitive measures to compel this regime to stop its genocide and massacre against the people of Gaza and uphold its obligations especially fully implement the UNSC resolutions and legally binding orders of the International Court of Justice," Iravani said.

He said Iran's missile and drone strikes against Israeli-occupied areas were "in the exercise of Iran's inherent right to self-defense" after an Israeli attack on Iran's embassy in Damascus on April 1.

He said that Iran's operation was “necessary and proportionate. It was precise and only targeted military objectives, and carried out carefully to minimize the potential for escalation and prevent civilian harm.

Iravani condemned the United States, Britain and France for overlooking "the root causes of the current crisis" and falsely blaming Iran.

"In hypocritical behavior, these three countries falsely blamed and accused Iran without considering their own failures to uphold their international commitments to peace and security in the region."

He accused them of using "lies, manipulate the narrative, spread disinformation, and engage in a destructive blame game" while ignoring Iran's self-defense rights. “Moreover, they ignored the underlying root causes of the current situation in the region,” he stated.

Iravani stated that the Islamic Republic has no intention of engaging in conflict with the US in the region; however, it will use its inherent right to respond proportionately if Washington initiates military operations against Iran, its citizens, or its security and interests. / Tasnim

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