12 / May / 2024 15:47

Gen. Zahedi's martyrdom brought about valuable outcomes

Gen. Zahedi's martyrdom brought about valuable outcomes

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei received the family of the martyr Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi on Sunday.

News ID: 841649

EghtesadOnline: Mehdi Fazaeli, deputy chief of the Office for the Preservation and Publication of Works of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution announced on his X account that the family of Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, martyred in the Zionist regime attack at the Iranian consulate in Syria, attended a meeting with  Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

The meeting took place 40 days after the martyrdom of General Zahedi in Syria.

"The martyrdom of Zahedi resulted in valuable and important consequences," the Leader said in this meeting, according to Fazaeli. "The greatness of the Islamic Republic of Iran emerged and all this was thanks to his martyrdom."

“Martyr Zahedi was martyred at the hands of the most wretched of creation,” Ayatollah Khamenei further told Martyr Zahedi's family. / Mehr

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