23 / May / 2024 09:37

Ayatollah Khamenei Hails Lebanon’s Role in Recent Events in Palestine

Ayatollah Khamenei Hails Lebanon’s Role in Recent Events in Palestine

Lebanon's involvement in the recent events in Palestine and Gaza had a profound impact, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday.

News ID: 843780

EghtesadOnline: In a meeting with Lebanon’s Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, held in Tehran on May 22, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his gratitude for the Lebanese government and nation’s condolences over the passing away of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a recent helicopter crash.

“The declaration of public mourning in Lebanon highlights the perfect companionship between the two countries. We view our relationship with our Lebanese brothers and Seyed Hassan Nasrallah as one of kinship and brotherhood,” the Leader remarked, Khamenei.ir reported.

He described the recent incident as a loss of a prominent figure. “This incident is difficult for us, but by the grace of God, the Iranian nation will use such bitter events as opportunities, just as it has turned challenging incidents into opportunities in previous years.”

While referring to the Iranian nation’s massive turnout in the funeral procession of the late president and his entourage, the Leader stated, “Praise God, our nation is determined and awakened. Our faith in the Almighty God is strong, and our reliance on Him is immense. God willing, the Iranian nation will benefit and make use of this incident.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also expressed his satisfaction with the existing solidarity between the Resistance groups in Lebanon and affirmed Nabih Berri’s remarks regarding the "existential battle” in the region.

“Lebanon's involvement in the recent issues of Palestine and Gaza has had a profound impact. If such measures had not been undertaken, the greatest damage would definitely have been inflicted on Lebanon itself,” the Leader added.

Berri, for his part, expressed the sadness and deep sorrow of both the Lebanese people and government regarding the recent incident. “We consider the wounds and injuries of our Iranian brothers as our own, and it was our duty to be present in Tehran as representatives of the government and people of Lebanon,” he said.

A helicopter carrying President Raisi and his entourage crashed in northwestern mountainous forests on May 19.

The fatal accident happened as the president was returning from Khoda Afarin region in Iran’s northwestern province of East Azarbaijan after inaugurating a dam at the common border with the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The crash killed President Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, Friday prayers leader of Tabriz Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Al-e-Hashem, Governor of East Azarbaijan Malek Rahmati, the commander of the president’s security team, two pilots and a flight crew.

Ayatollah Khamenei has declared five days of public mourning, appointing the first vice president as the manager of the executive power. / Tasnim

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