Iran US trade

tag Iran US trade

Iran-US Trade Coming to Complete Halt Amid Tensions

EghtesadOnline: While the US pressures on Iran’s economy has escalated now more than ever by imposing harsh sanctions against the Islamic Republic, commercial exchanges between the two countries is gradually coming to a halt.
Publish Date:30/July/2019 | 11:33

Iran exports $90 saffron, carpet to US

EghtesadOnline: Deputy of Trade Promotion Organization Mohammad-Reza Modudi said on Tuesday that the US is again one of Iran’s export destinations after the Iran-G5+1 nuclear deal.
Publish Date:19/July/2017 | 24:48

USDA: Nuclear Deal Opens US-Iran Trade Gateways

EghtesadOnline: While many sanctions on Iranian goods and services remain in place, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the formal name of the nuclear deal Iran signed with world powers in 2015) permits Iranian food exports into the United States for the first time since 2010.
Publish Date:29/July/2017 | 09:12

US Dept. Promoting Iran Trade Despite Trump Opposition

EghtesadOnline: The US Department of Agriculture is promoting increased trade with Iran, despite the clear opposition of the Trump White House, American news website The Washington Free Beacon reported.
Publish Date:26/July/2017 | 09:32