
tag Norway

Norway Mulls Pushback on US Iran Sanctions

EghtesadOnline: Norway ’s government is considering taking action to protect Norwegian companies doing business in Iran, as new US sanctions against the country start to bite.
Publish Date:11/August/2018 | 07:34

Call for Enhancing Trade Ties With Europe

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani called for promotion of economic relations with European states, stressing that bilateral trade should not be affected by the “illegal” and “unilateral” US sanctions.
Publish Date:30/September/2020 | 14:36

Six EU Nations Join INSTEX

EghtesadOnline: Six European countries, namely Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden announced in a joint statement on Friday their intent to join the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), designed to facilitate trade with Iran.
Publish Date:01/December/2019 | 11:34