Donald Trump - page 18

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Angry over U.S. healthcare fail, Trump voters spare him blame

EghtesadOnline: The day after the flaming out of U.S. President Donald Trump 's first major legislative initiative, his supporters across America were lashing out - at conservatives, at Democrats, at leaders of his Republican Party in Congress.
Publish Date:26/March/2017 | 05:54

Trump Meets Freedom Caucus and Result Is Legislative Disaster

EghtesadOnline: During one of his frequent visits to the White House in recent days, Representative Mark Meadows listened to Donald Trump talk about a tote-board he uses to track his presidential campaign promises.
Publish Date:26/March/2017 | 05:00

Trump's Laptop Ban Is Proof His Hands Aren't Tied, Hawaii Says

EghtesadOnline: Hawaii’s attorney general says new U.S. government rules prohibiting the use of laptops and other electronic gadgets on flights from eight Muslim-majority nations prove that President Donald Trump ’s control of immigration and national security isn’t hampered by the state’s lawsuit over his travel ban.
Publish Date:26/March/2017 | 04:47

Mnuchin says U.S. growth prospects not fully reflected in markets

EghtesadOnline: U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday that he believes financial markets could improve "significantly" once they fully reflect the potential for U.S. economic growth from President Donald Trump 's economic policies.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 08:59

Democratic opposition to U.S. high court nominee grows

EghtesadOnline: A third of Democratic senators have so far announced they will vote against confirming U.S. President Donald Trump 's Supreme Court nominee, adding to a chorus of opposition from the left, but leaving questions over whether there will be a concerted effort to block a vote in the Senate.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 08:54

Trump disappointed House conservatives blocked healthcare bill

EghtesadOnline: President Donald Trump said on Friday that he was disappointed that a conservative faction in the House of Representatives blocked his healthcare legislation and said "we learned a lot about loyalty" from the effort.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 08:52

Trump Jr. Called a ‘Disgrace’ for Criticizing London Mayor

EghtesadOnline: Donald Trump Jr. is facing criticism for a tweet sent in the hours after Wednesday's London attack that included a months-old comment from London Mayor Sadiq Khan that terror attacks are part of living in a big city, but left out that Khan was noting that residents need to "be prepared" for such attacks.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 07:22
The loss of U.S. donor dollars may finally force reforms on the organization.

What Trump Got Right About the UN

EghtesadOnline: “The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!” Donald Trump proclaimed over Twitter as 2016 came to a close.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 07:16

Trump’s Building Binge Might Hit Speed Bump in Ryan’s Tax Plan

EghtesadOnline: President Donald Trump ’s call for tapping the private sector to help finance $1 trillion in infrastructure improvements faces a little-noticed challenge from his own party -- a House Republican proposal to eliminate the tax break for corporate borrowing.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 06:52

Warren Wants SEC to Review Icahn’s Role Advising Trump on Rules

EghtesadOnline: U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren said the Securities and Exchange Commission should be vigilant in ensuring that billionaire investor Carl Icahn isn’t using his role as an adviser to the Trump administration to gain unfair trading advantages.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 06:49
“We are now perceived by many to be the front line of defense.”

The Blue State Attorneys General Resisting Trump

EghtesadOnline: With Democrats outnumbered in Congress, a coalition of blue state attorneys general has emerged as the strongest resistance to Donald Trump ’s conservative agenda.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 05:40

Republican Nunes Tries to Give Trump Cover on Wiretap Claim

EghtesadOnline: Almost two weeks after President Donald Trump ’s tweets accusing his predecessor of wiretapping Trump Tower, the Republican head of the House Intelligence Committee tried to offer some support by saying that the president’s team was caught up in a U.S. surveillance net.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 05:34
Fifty former federal and state environmental officials detail what the president’s budget could do to the agency and to human health.

The Hidden Risks of Trump's EPA Cuts: Birth Defects, Bad Air

EghtesadOnline: President Donald Trump pledged during the 2016 campaign that he would only "leave a little bit" of federal rules that protect human health and the environment. Now about 50 former officials of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are firing back in a lengthy analysis that details, program by program, what amounts to a starvation diet for the EPA.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 05:22

Ex-Trump Advisers Manafort, Stone Offer to Testify to Congress

EghtesadOnline: Paul Manafort, the former chairman of Donald Trump ’s presidential campaign, and veteran Republican political operative Roger Stone have offered to meet with a House committee investigating Russian interference in last year’s election.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 05:20

Trump Touts a Company’s Hiring Plan From 2015

EghtesadOnline: President Donald Trump touted Charter Communications Inc.’s plans to hire 20,000 workers over the next four years, an initiative the cable company has been discussing since at least June 2015.
Publish Date:25/March/2017 | 05:09