Iran water shortage

tag Iran water shortage

Neighbors Worsening Iran's Water Shortage

EghtesadOnline: Neighboring states' operations to control transboundary waters—the shared aquifers, lakes and river basins—have exacerbated the severe water shortage in Iran, a former member of World Water Council said.
Publish Date:20/June/2018 | 14:09

Call For Higher Water Rates Seems Crucial

EghtesadOnline: Low water prices have made people oblivious to the fact that they must consume water judiciously and help mitigate the effects of water shortages, says Hamidreza Janbaz, managing director of Tehran Water and Wastewater Company.
Publish Date:06/May/2017 | 09:14

Int’l Virtual Water Confab in Tehran

EghtesadOnline: The First International Conference on Virtual Water was held in Tehran on Monday at the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture to address the water shortage looming over a number of countries, especially Iran.
Publish Date:03/May/2017 | 08:06

Iran to Place Restrictions on Farming Amid Water Shortage

EghtesadOnline: Amid low precipitation and water shortage, the government is going to place restrictions on the cultivation of crops in areas of the country where underground water resources are at alarming levels as of the upcoming Iranian year (starting March 21), says Agriculture Minister Mahmoud Hojjati.
Publish Date:17/February/2018 | 13:54

MP: Water Transfer Will Help Remedy Shortages, Drought

EghtesadOnline: Transferring water from the Sea of Oman, the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea through pipelines to dry and water-stressed regions is the most effective strategy for tackling water shortage in Iran, a member of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said.
Publish Date:23/August/2017 | 09:24

Virtual Water Theory Up for Nat’l Debate

EghtesadOnline: The press conference for the first-ever International Conference on Virtual Water in Iran was held on Saturday to analyze the effective use of water in agriculture in light of the country’s looming water shortage.
Publish Date:24/April/2017 | 09:11

Water Solutions Remain Elusive

EghtesadOnline: Iran has been struggling with water shortage for so long that those in their early twenties do not recall a time when the country did not suffer from the scarcity of this precious resource.
Publish Date:25/December/2016 | 18:38