04 / September / 2016 10:09

Iran holds Royan int’l scientific festival

Iran holds Royan int’l scientific festival

EghtesadOnline: The 17th Royan International Scientific Festival was held in Tehran as top foreign and local plans were awarded in the event.

News ID: 736564

According to ISNA, 175 plans from 36 countries were sent to the secretariat of the event. 98 ones belonged to stem cells and regenerative medicine and 77 of which belonged to reproductive medicine.

Royan Institute is an Iranian clinical, research and educational institute dedicated to biomedical, translational and clinical researches acting as a leader of Stem Cell research and also one of the best clinics for infertility treatment.

Royan is a public non-profitable organization which is affiliated to Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) and was established in 1991 by the late Dr. Saied Gourabi as a research institute for Reproductive Biomedicine and infertility treatments. In 1998 this institute was approved by Ministry of Health as Cell Based Research Center.

Hamid-Reza Tayyebi, Head of Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) also took part in the event and delivered a speech.

The full text of his speech comes as follows:

In the Name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful

With great honor to all our esteemed scientists, guests and participants, whose presence in the 17th Royan international Research Award of ACECR, has led to a delightful circumstance. I warmly welcome you, all and hope this scientific event provide us, the opportunity to exchange ideas and establish upcoming mutual collaboration besides, learning about Iranian scientists’ activities and capabilities. In the meantime, I wish our dear guests a pleasant stay in Iran with good memories coming back home.

I also take this opportunity to commemorate the late Dr. Saeid Kazemi-Ashtiani, the founder of Royan Research Center whose endeavor along with his colleagues led to holding this scientific event in the field of infertility and stem cell research which  is held every year better than previous years, affecting the interest of researchers to participate in this annual competition. We will honor and cherish his memory in this in this ceremony by awarding fourth Kazemi prize to a great scientist, Prof Clevers.  

As the award esteemed Chairman, Dr. Gourabi pointed, receiving more than 175 research projects from 36 countries reveals this fact that this award is observed by all scientists around the world. This is due mainly to fair judgment performed by our jury board which I spread my sincere respect to all of them.

No doubt that the success of this award and its affiliated congress, lies on its proper selection of fields of interests. Topics such as infertility, biomedicine, stem cell and cell therapy are among unique and everyday concerns worldwide and all we know stem cells are referred to, as the second revolution after biotechnology in medical sciences.

We pray God because of the talented scientists we are enjoying their skills and knowledge in Royan Research Institute, whose great efforts has localized this field of science so that the whole people drew benefit of that and hence has turned Royan as a pioneer in the region. Developing this science which has empowered family foundation and led to relieving pain, is highly appreciated in Islam. We hope to observe the growing trend through exchanging experience and knowledge on the occasion of such congress which are under continuous support and attention of ACECR.

I should state here that ACECR which I have its responsibility and Royan Institute is one of its affiliated centers, includes a vast variety of research, educational and cultural activities and deal with other scientific activities as follows:

 In the field of medical science, besides Royan Institute we can refer to Avicenna Research Institute, Institute of Medical Plants, Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research, and Breast Cancer Research Institute. In all these centers, besides of doing research, my colleagues’ endeavor is to transfer their scientific achievements into clinical activities, (considering the ethical aspect into account), to relieve the patients’ pain.

In the field of engineering and social sciences, ACECR has some major institutes, such as Iranian Research Institute for Electrical Engineering, Technology Development Research Institute, Research Institute for Applied Sciences, Environmental Research Institute, Iranian R&D Center for Chemical Industries, Research Institute fort Culture and Arts, Food Science and Technology Research Institute, Production technology Research Institute, and Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences. We should all to this, 43 branches of ACECR around the country.

among distinguished activities conducted by this organization, we can point to different kinds of mono-colonel anti-body production, discovering and collecting medical herbs and doing research for new recombinant medicine, performing long and continuous epidemiologic studies, offering clinical services to breast cancer patients. We have developed many technologies for different industries of Iran and we are pioneer for developing new technologies in the country. Institutes and centers represent their services nationwide and open new information exchanges with other research centers worldwide which fall into mutual interests.

In the end welcoming all our esteemed guests and audience, I sincerely appreciate Dr. Gourabi, the President of Royan Institute, scientific and executive committee members of this scientific event who have spent hours through holding meetings to organize and run the 17th Royan Award and Reproductive Biomedicine congress and the 12th Royan Stem Cell Biology and Technology congress. Hope them all safe and sound life in the light of God’s kindness and look forward to seeing their continuous achievements. Again, I wish a pleasant day in Iran for our foreign guests and have a safe trip back to home.

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