04 / September / 2016 11:41

Iran Darroudi’s Dream Comes True

Iran Darroudi’s Dream Comes True

EghtesadOnline: The groundbreaking ceremony of 'Iran Darroudi Museum' was held at the construction site of the museum, in Tehran's Yousefabad neighborhood in the presence of artists and officials on Thursday, September 1, coinciding with Ms. Iran Darroudi's 80th birthday.

News ID: 736584

Artists and officials attending the event also paid tribute to half a century of artistic career by the renowned painter, Honaronline reported.

Majid Rajabi Memar, managing director of Iranian Artists' Forum said, "It is a great pleasure to be here to see the realization of her long-time dream. As far as I know this artist lady is still full of energy, joy and hope".

As an artist who has played a major role in Iranian modern art, Darroudi has dedicated 195 of her paintings to the museum and wants her works to be seen by her fellow Iranians.

Stating that she is proud to be Iranian, Darroudi said, "My father taught me from childhood that my identity as an Iranian is the most precious thing which I must preserve forever. He named me Iran and told me it means freedom".

"Till my last living moment, I will paint for the love of my land and countrymen and prove that as an Iranian woman, if not a mother in my lifetime, I am the mother of the whole nation. This museum will turn into Iran's cultural center and the future generations will get to know about Persian art across the globe here," she added.

As the veteran artist said, Iran has an ancient history thousands of years old, and art is an inseparable part of the nation's history. She cited the Persepolis "as an example by which the world knows Iranian art."

"Art is the most beautiful aspect of humans since no work of art is created with impure thoughts. Art is one's biggest asset and a means to get closer to God. Without art, there is nothing in life. I hope we try to make our lives more beautiful through art," Darroudi noted.

  Dedicated to Nation

"When my works were published in the major journals of the world at the age of 33, I hoped I could dedicate them to my nation one day and today after 47 years, I am so happy that my dream has come true."

Born in Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Darroudi is a contemporary Iranian artist, based in Tehran and Paris. Her art consists of surreal paintings dealing with Iranian themed imagery and strong lighting, reports Financial Tribune.

She studied history of art at the Ecole du Louvre in Paris, stained glass at the Royal Academy of Brussels and television direction and production at the RCA Institute in New York.

Her first solo exhibition was held in Miami in 1958 at the invitation of the Florida State Art Center. Her works have been displayed at Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, LA University in Los Angeles, Virginia Tech University in Virginia, the United Nations in New York, La Galleria Gallery in Mexico, Miami Beach Art Center in Florida, Atrium Artist Gallery in Geneva and Galarie 21 in Zurich.

Iran Darroudi Museum which is expected to be ready in 18 months, is financed by the artist herself and will showcase her paintings as well as provide a venue for organizing other cultural and artistic programs.

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