11 / October / 2016 08:19

Zarif: Saudi regime, its enablers must be held to account

Zarif: Saudi regime, its enablers must be held to account

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in response to the latest Saudi air attacks in Yemen, has said that the Saudi regime and its supporters must be held accountable.

News ID: 737444

'Horrific massacre in Yemen, KSA and its enbalers must be held to account ' Zarif tweeted on Monday.

'My letter to UNSC: Humanitarian aid is vital and Iran ready to assist,' Zarif has stressed.

On Saturday (Oct 8), the Saudi fighter jets pounded the funeral procession of the father of Yemeni interior minister in Sana'a and killed and wounded over 700 people, according to IRNA.

The massacre has strongly been condemned by various people and governments around the world.

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