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Lavrov calls Zarif to talk about Syria

Oct 13, 2016, 10:02 AM
News ID: 4682
Lavrov calls Zarif to talk about Syria

EghtesadOnline: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday evening to discuss the latest developments in Syria.

According to Russian Foreign Ministry, the two sides, in their telephone conversation, stressed that there is no substitute for political solution in Syria.

The two foreign ministers also emphasized the importance of increasing international efforts to provide the ground for political solution of Syria problem, reports IRNA.

Islamic Republic of Iran and Russian Federation have common stance on Syria and the two countries support the political and diplomatic solution of problems in this country without foreign intervention. 

Tehran and Moscow also emphasize the necessity of resuming political discussions between the government of Syria and opposition groups.