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Rouhani: Tehran to broaden cooperation with Europe in civil rights

Oct 29, 2016, 4:15 PM
News ID: 5397
Rouhani: Tehran to broaden cooperation with Europe in civil rights

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday that Iran is ready to broaden cooperation with the European Union for promotion of civil rights in the region.

President Rouhani made the remarks in a meeting with visiting EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini in Tehran on Saturday. 
Mounting crackdown of certain regional states on women is in violation of human rights principles, Rouhani said. 
The Islamic Republic of Iran and the European Union through expansion of cooperation will be regarded as major trade and economic partners, IRNA quoted Rouhani as saying. 
The Islamic Republic of Iran, a country rich in energy, can guarantee long-term energy security and through benefiting from its capabilities in rail roads, road and air transportation, it will be able to turn into a safe path for transit of energy from north and east Asia to Europe, the Iranian president said. 
Having numerous educated workforce and its significant status in a marketplace with over 400 million people, grounds are well prepared for expansion of commercial, economic, scientific, technological and tourism cooperation between Iran and European Union, he said. 
He also expressed the hope that Iran and European Union will make use of their existing opportunities to broaden cooperation in line with their interests. 
There are some countries in the region which have not experienced democracy and free elections and have launched crackdown under the name of Islam which runs counter to principles of humanity and civil rights mainly on women, Rouhani said. 
'If the European Union under any reason will be reluctant to have military presence in dealing with terrorists in the region, their political might for exertion of pressures on supporters of terrorists and cutting their supports will leave remarkable impact on fight against terrorism,' Rouhani said.
'If terrorists are not confronted seriously in the region, all will witness formation of terrorist governments in the region and North Africa which will make fight with them very difficult,' Rouhani said. 
'Restoration of security and campaign against terrorists, cohesion, territorial integrity and meeting the needs of Syrian nation will be attained through elections and public votes is of prime importance to us,' he said. 
All should bear in mind that Syrian crisis should be resolved through diplomatic channels and military means go nowhere and the more active role of the EU in restoring security and calm in Syria will be materialized through collective contribution of countries in the region, Rouhani said. 
Referring to improper status of displaced people in Syria and Yemen, he called the immediate reaction of other countries in rendering relief aid to them such as provision of water, food, clothing and drugs. 
European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, for her part said implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has created a suitable opportunity to broaden cooperation.
The EU is duty bound to remain committed to its pledges on sound implementation of the JCPOA and is determined to broaden economic cooperation with Iran in line with both sides' interests, she said. 
Economic relations between Iran and the EU have registered a 43 percent increase in the past one year and many European banks are ready to resume activities in Iran, She said. 
Referring to positive historical ties between Iran and European Union, grounds are well prepared for expansion of commercial, economic, cultural, scientific, technological know-how, education and tourism, Mogherini said. 
There is no doubt that the diplomatic experiences can help resolve regional issues in Syria and Yemen, she said.
The EU is in dire need of Iran's assistance as a key regional power in resolving regional issues, she said. 
Dispatch of relief aid to needy people in Syria and Yemen should be eased, she said.