09 / November / 2016 10:45

Angry countries at JCPOA, reason for regional crisis : Iran FM

Angry countries at JCPOA, reason for regional crisis : Iran FM

EghtesadOnline: Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the people of Yemen and Syria are remunerating for the destructive games started by the resentful countries.

News ID: 737955

“Innocent people of Yemen and Syria are repaying for the destructive political game started by some angry countries in the region, “Zarif said in his meeting with Lebanese high-ranking officials.

According to ISNA, he went on to say that, “We have said already that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action has not increased Iran’s power, but just removed the obstacles in the way and some countries are concerned and angry due to this issue.”

Zarif underlined the necessity of exploiting all opportunities aiming to establish peace and security in the region, adding progress of the region must be heeded as well.

Iran’s senior official headed to Lebanon Monday aiming to meet with the country’s newly-elected president as well as some high-ranking officials to discuss developing and boosting bilateral ties at the political and economic levels as well as the latest developments in the region.

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