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Salehi: Iran never tolerate initiator of any breach for nuclear deal

Dec 6, 2016, 5:42 PM
News ID: 7341
Salehi: Iran never tolerate initiator of any breach for nuclear deal

EghtesadOnline: Vice-President and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali-Akbar Salehi said on Monday that Iran will give strong reaction to the United States breach of JCPOA (nuclear deal).

Salehi made the remarks in a statement to the inaugural session of the International Conference on Nuclear Security, according to ILNA.

'Unfortunately, we see certain illogical behavior and measures from the United States. Iran will react strongly if a party to JCPOA takes practical step to breach the nuclear deal.'

He said durability of the JCPOA depends on fulfillment of commitments and action of the other parties.

He noted that Iran has thus far fully implemented the commitments to the JCPOA and will not be the initiator of any breach.

'The Islamic Republic of Iran is among staunch supporters of the idea of the world free from nuclear weapons.'

He said that within the same framework, Iran calls for the Middle East free of nuclear weapons.

He then emphasized universality of Non-Proliferation Treaty and the need to make efforts for elimination of weapons of mass desctruction.

Salehi rebuked the Israeli regime for 'unjustifiable' refusal to sign up for NPT, saying that nuclear program of Tel Aviv regime is a serious concern and a threat to regional and international security.

He refuted the cyber attack on the nuclear facilities, including using the Stuxnet virus against Iran, calling on IAEA member states to condemn such attacks.

He urged adoption of measures and comprehensive plans to counter such attacks.

The AEOI director pointed to dangers of the access of the terrorist groups to nuclear and radioactive substances, saying that it is a major concern and a threat to international security.

He then underlined the role of communicative technology and cyber space in facilitation of such access and emphasized protecting the sensitive information connected to nuclear security.

Salehi said measures to be taken for nuclear security should not undermine or overshadow international cooperation for peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Salehi highlighted Iran's activities for nuclear security build-up, saying that Iran is keen on international cooperation in that area.