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Iran concerned about consequences of UNSC resolution 2328 in Syria

Dec 22, 2016, 7:34 AM
News ID: 8153
Iran concerned about consequences of UNSC resolution 2328 in Syria

EghtesadOnline: Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said on Wednesday that UNSC resolution 2328 aims to survive terrorists and never helps resolve the humanitarian crisis and may escalate tension in Syria.

Instead of issuing one-sided resolutions and statements, they should be determined to halt shipment of weapons, forces and financial supports to the terrorists, he said. 

Resistance of Syrian people and its government in fight against terrorists should become a successful model for countries in the region as a strong response to the countries or coalitions disgracefully backing the terrorists, IRNA quoted him as saying. 

Iran, Russian and Turkey Troika called for respecting sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria and believe that Iran adopted a correct approach from early days of the humanitarian crisis in Syria, he said. 

The Islamic Republic of Iran is well-prepared to airlifit the injured people and the elderly to Iranian medical centers and thwart the obstacles created by the terrorist groups, he said.