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Iranian, Russian presidents discuss Syrian crisis over phone

Dec 25, 2016, 6:52 AM
News ID: 8297
Iranian, Russian presidents discuss Syrian crisis over phone

EghtesadOnline: President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani in their third telephone conversation over past month discussed and exchanged views on continuing regional cooperation, resolving Syrian crisis and fighting international terrorism.

The Iranian and Russian presidents discussed the developments and the status quo in Syria after the terrorist groups were defeated in Aleppo and the terrorists were purged from the city, IRNA reported.

President Rouhani and President Putin also underlined the importance of cooperation between the two countries to help resume political talks and settlement of the Syrian crisis through political means. 

During the phone conversation, the two presidents also exchanged views on Iran-Russia cooperation to resume talks on Syrian crisis in the presence of all Syrian parties in Astana, Kazakhstan. 

President Rouhani also extended condolences to his Russian counterpart on the occasion of assassination of Russian Ambassador to Ankara Andrei G. Karlov by a Turkish police officer.