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Iran underlines protection of Syria sovereignty

Dec 30, 2016, 7:06 AM
News ID: 8533
Iran underlines protection of Syria sovereignty

EghtesadOnline: Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan underlined protection of Syria sovereignty and an intra-Syria solution for resolution of the crisis in that country.

Speaking to Russia Today, he referred to importance of terrorists and their supporters' defeat in Aleppo and said Aleppo as the Syria economic center was terrorists' main target, ILNA reported.

Terrorists made some progress toward the southern regions of Homs, Hamah and Damascus at the begining because of the support they received from the northern borders, the official added.

He noted that Aleppo was a strategic point and therefore, the government and its allies made its liberation their priority.

The recent military attack against terrorists weakened them and their supporters feared that they would be annihilated if tey remained in Aleppo, therefore they abamdoned the region, Dehghan said.

He noted that liberation of Aleppo was a turning point in the Syrian government and Army fight against terrorist groups.

Speaking about the comprehensive ceasefire in Syria, Dehghan noted that the comprehensive ceasefire needs real guarantees and all sides should accept it and the violators should be punished.

He also referred to terrorists' crimes in Syria and said Daesh, Al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups cannot be parts of ceasefire.

The important issue in case of ceasefire is that there should be a different approach towards terrorists and opposition groups which are ready to talk with the Syrian government, Dehghan added.

He underlined fighting all terrorist groups including Daesh and Al-Nusra Front and said all sides should be bound to cut off any type of political, financial and military support for terrorists.

Terrorists should end blockade of besieged regions, the official added.

He said the Syrian people should enjoy a safe life.

'We are optimistic about the future if the countries supportive of terrorists accept the above-mentioned points and cooperate,' Dehghan noted.

The defense minister said Iran has no military force in Syria and Syrian Army is responsible for establishment of security in Aleppo and other regions.

Dehghan said the Western coalition led by the US does not have a real motivation for fighting terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

The US-led coalition bombed the Syrian Army in Deir-al-Zour region of Syria, he added.

The defense minister said, 'We do not feel that the US-led coalition is bound to playing a positive and effective role in practical fight against terrroism because they themselves have grown them and they are willing that terrorists remain in the region.

The US-led coalition is possibly willing to weaken the terrorists, but they do not want their destruction because they are their puppets for making crisis in the region and the world, he added.

The official said terrorists are supported by US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and they have support from Turkey on the ground.

Answering a question regarding Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Chavoshoglu remarks that has asked for stopping support for Lebanese Hezbollah movement in order to guarantee ceasefire in Syria, Dehghan said the Turkish diplomat is evading its responsibility.

He said, 'I believe that Turkey should answer the question whether they have entered into Syrian territory upon a request by Syrian government.'

If Turkish forces are in Syria with a permission from Damascus, they should leave the country immediately after Syria wants them to leave, Deqhan added.

He noted that the Turkish troops will be branded as occupiers if they don’t leave Syria after Damascus request.

Russia and Iran are in Syria as a result of this country's government request, defense minister added.

He said Iran is in Syria to support the country's legal government and if the Syrian government says that there is no need for presence of Iranian advisors, there will be no reason to continue being in the country.

Turkish government should accept its responsibility for causing the crisis in Syria and be ready to abandon its wrong approach, but they are continuing past mistakes, Dehghan added.

He noted that during liberation of Aleppo, terrorists suffered losses and many of their leaders and elements were killed.

The Syrian crisis should be resolved through intra-Syria dialogue and the country's sovereignty and legal government should be respected, the official added.

He said the Syrian nation itself should decide on the future and any foreign interference will worsen the situation.

Speaking about using a military airbase in Iran's Hamedan province by the Russian air force for its operations in Syria, Dehghan said Iran and Russia have cooperation in fighting terrorism and Iran will decide about possible similar requests from the Russian side in the future.