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Iran, Russia discuss 'excellent' outcome of Syria conference

Jan 29, 2017, 5:31 AM
News ID: 9895
Iran, Russia discuss 'excellent' outcome of Syria conference

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Minister, Mohammad-Javad Zarif, and his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, on Saturday discussed 'excellent' outcome of the Syria Astana meeting.

In a phone conversation, the two ministers exchanged views on ways of settlement settling Syrian problems, according to IRNA.

Russian Foreign Ministry announced the two sides described results of the two-day meeting of Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, on Syria, that delegations from Iran, Russia, Turkey, special Envoy of the UN secretary general Staffan de Mistura, an observer from the US government were present, IRNA reported.

They described the meeting as “excellent and valuable”.

Zarif and Lavrov pointed out that Astana meeting was an effective field for holding direct talks between Syrian government and representatives from armed opposition groups to stabilize and strengthen ceasefire and establish of peace and tranquility.

In the conversation, the two sides expressed readiness of Tehran and Moscow to use achieved experiences and successful result of the Astana talks to expedite moves to solve Syrian crisis diplomatically and in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution of 2254.